The news of the closure of Ayr Ice Rink is another catastrophic blow to our area.

This is a vital local facility that supports and nurtures figure skaters, ice hockey players, and curlers. It will be a massive loss to many if Ayr loses the only ice sports arena in the area.

The main challenge the ice rink is facing is soaring energy bills caused by the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the economic mismanagement of the UK Government. So far this year, the board has spent £153,000 on energy bills. Come October, this is to rise by 110 per cent, which is clearly unsustainable.

When households and businesses were first thrown into the cost of living and energy crisis, I met with board members of the ice rink to hear about their concerns and the long-term viability given the crippling costs.

In response, I reached out to the Scottish Government, which informed the Ice Rink about the Business Energy Scotland advice service — an invaluable resource providing free and impartial support to find ways to save money. Moreover, businesses can utilise this service to apply for the SME Loan and Cashback Scheme.

It should also be noted that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Scottish Government made available £55 million in emergency sports funding. From this, Ayr Ice Rink benefited from a £181,000 grant, which enabled it to stay in operation during this unprecedented time.

Despite this support, and the hard work of the board to exhaust all options, there is an understanding between all parties that the power to address the energy crisis lies with Westminster.

I have written to the UK Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport, Lucy Frazer, to call on the UK Government to get a grip on the crisis and supply extra funding to devolved governments to give financial support to sports facilities across the country who are at risk of closure due to the inflation and rocketing energy costs

The UK Government provided short-term financial assistance to households struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, although this did not go far enough. However, it has failed to put in place proper financial support for businesses which are having to take difficult decisions.

The Scottish Government is doing all that it can on a fixed budget which must be balanced and has no borrowing powers. The UK Government on the other hand can do what countries across Europe have already done and take bold steps to put in place financial support for businesses and facilities across Scotland.

I have also written to Martin Dowey, leader of South Ayrshire Council, to ask for the current administration to urgently reconsider its planned £5m investment towards golf courses and to reallocate some funds to ensure this facility is kept open as a matter of urgency.

Please be assured that I will continue to monitor this situation and do what I can in my power as your MSP to protect ice sports in Ayr.